Get to know me!
Hi! My name is Paige Wu, and I am excited to meet you all in this class!
- 3rd Year Cognitive Science Major
- Computing Specialization and Digital Humanities Minor
- Favorite trait about myself: Creative!
- Ex: painting, drawing digitally, short films, sewing (plush animals!)
- Least favorite trait: Indecisive...
- Ex: my major (oof...), clubs/extracurriculars, what I want to eat...
Other things to yap about: cooking, playing minecraft, spending too much time on this assignment
As a critical digital map maker...
I hope to learn more about how map making has been used politically or in community orgnaizing. As someone who enjoys learning new digital tools and programming, I hope to take away new ways to view the usage and ethics behind our data and applications beyond what I am currently exposed to on campus.
As a critical digital map maker...
The following image is me as a baby haha.